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   Could MRSA Be Used as a Litigious Tool for the Public Health Care System?

MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is one of the first Microbes to be classified as a deadly Superbug. It evolved from the original strain of the Staphylococcus bacterium and it is more common in hospitals than the Common Cold.

I almost died from it myself.

Unique Hindsight
My particular experience in surviving MRSA has given me a unique vantage point on this entire subject. I was able to survive MRSA and mitigate its symptoms on my own without the use of any prescription Antibiotics.

I came up with something entirely different that works much better, and I'm alive today to tell you all about it. You can see the graphic results in this personal video documentary.

Relevant Background History
Back in 2014, I started experimenting with new techniques in Electro-Extraction, essentially the reverse process of Electro-Plating; instead of putting metals onto a surface, this was an exercise in pulling metals off a surface. With my background in Physics and a career in Engineering, I had several ideas that began to work, but combining them together in a safe architecture with the right drive and sensor signals was the real breakthrough.

The Silver-based SOMC tm has been quite useful over the years for sterilizing and healing small cuts and scrapes. It actually reduces any signs of scaring; something I find amazing.

The Incident
While visiting the local hospital ER in July, '016 for a mild but persistent gastro-intestinal discomfort, I was accosted with needles four different times; twice again because they botched up the first two. After a CAT Scan and some more paperwork, the Dr.'s had no useful information to offer. They just shrugged me off and insinuated that I made it all up for attention. They did however leave me with two matching MRSA injections to take home for free, one for each arm.

The Dr.'s Response
I watched with increasing horror as the injection sites grew into these massive, swollen, blistered dripping rashes over the next few days. By day five, I was back at the ER asking them direct questions about the photos I had been taking all week about this rash I had gotten frompoorly trained staff at that same ER. The nurses all went silent and stiff, but the Dr. went into "Clown Mode", literally, congratulating me with a slap on the back and a gleeful soliloquy about "how sorry he was that this had to happen to me...."  It was more than surreal.

When I mentioned MRSA, he immediately left the room, mumbling something about, "I don't know anythin-...".  He soon passed me off to the next Dr., and after more paperwork, he too  proclaimed my case as, "Way too complicated" for him to deal with. So his nurse patched me up and sent me on my way home to die over the weekend. I had the strong sense that she had seen this way too often.

Imagine my surprise when the very first piece of mail from the Hospital ER was a public health letter informing me that I had 90 days to inform them of my untimely death so would they know exactly when collect my estate and belongings, and that I had better inform the rest of my family, because their properties will be foreclosed as well.

My Response
You can imagine my response. I mean, whatever response you can imagine, I went through.
What is harder to imagine is going through all those responses at once.

Another response was

Another response was

Another one of my responses was to look up my recently recorded medical history on the hospital's Public Channel of Medical Records. Imagine my surprise again when I see that they too have been falsified. Despite my photos and the experience of dripping puss on the ER floor, despite the photos the ER took themselves on Day 5, despite the fact that I had to insist, twice, to have a culture swab taken on something they claimed to know nothing about, despite all of that; my publicly available health record read, "No organisms seen. Culture: Rare, Mixed skin flora"

I keep asking myself...
Self? Isn't skin flora made up of tiny organisms?
Self? If they can recognize skin flora, why can't they see organisms?
Self? Isn't a culture swab supposed to sort out the what's-what in a "mixed" environment?
Self? If this is so rare, why did I contract an this infection twice in one visit, at least once in each arm, within the sample set of only four injections?
Self? Why is >50% chance of getting an ER infection considered "rare"?

Self? Does this look like a cover-up?
Note to Self: No way, doctors, just like lawyers, are way too honest these days....

Another response was

Another response was


Another response was

...instead of getting angry, turn that effort into educating and saving others from the same innocent fate...

My Choice

My Results
A Success! I'm still Alive!

My Invention
I realized this was much bigger than just saving myself from MRSA. Knowing how many innocent people get caught up with Hospital Acquired Infections, mostly related to MRSA, I knew I had to do something with this unique process to help others out of their similar situations.

My Purpose
Cure MRSA with Metallics! -don't need prescription for...

...given a second chance to spread a message of information
My Work
My work is cut out for me now. My first effort is raising enough money to start a pilot run of the counter-top version of an SOMC tm making machine and start curing people.  This is where you, the readers, chime in with a chorus of donations and save everyone's day!

Seriously, this work is crucial for so many people afflicted with MRSA. This work is also critical  for the Medical Industry at this point in history when it is failing miserably to stop MRSA and many other Superbugs. They are desperate for a new solution, and I undoubtedly have a metallic-based solution that actually works.
So let's build some SOMC Micro-Stations tm and show them just how well this actually works.

SOMC’stm are still considered a “Health and Beauty, Skin Care Product”.


tm is at the early start-up stage and is seeking the funding to put together the necessary office space and equipment to build SOMC Micro-Stationstm. in the local Bay Area, CA.

You are welcome to join in the effort of helping to save at least 50 people from HA-MRSA this year:       Go Fund Me and Donate to Save Lives!

Thanks for your contributions towards saving lives this year.

I was able to stop my own misery from MRSA with SOMCtm,
I figure I
can stop yours too.

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As effective as Antimicrobial Metals are, the product line of SOMC'stm is strictly for use as a topical "Skin Care, Bath, & Beauty Product" only. SOMC'stm are not to be construed as any type of medication, nor should they be considered as a replacement for conventional medicines. You always have the option of consulting with your Doctor about this and any other alternative approaches you may have towards directing your own health and quality-of-life decisions.
When used only as directed, these topical SOMC
tm solutions are safe and effective. As always, MetalliCuretm, its employs, representatives, staff, contract suppliers, and myself cannot be held liable for any pre-existing condition(s), compounding medical issues, mis-diagnosis, adverse reactions, complications with existing prescriptions, worsening conditions, unintended death, mis-use of the solution(s), mis-handling, disassembling, reverse engineering the equipment, insurance policies, misleading information on qualifying surveys, and/or any other attempts at fraud, copy-catting, or the purchase of false, misleading products not endorsed by MetalliCuretm.
MetalliCure, Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compound, and SOMC are trademarks solely owned by Greg Bender.
Future-Spark R&D, MetalliCure, SOMC, all corresponding technologies, programs, inventions, equipment & I.P.
represented on all related web sites, videos, white papers, brochures, blogs, emails,
and other so-marked material(s) are produced and solely owned by Greg Bender.
Copyright © 2016 G.Bender, Future-Spark R&D, MetalliCuretm, SOMCtm, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.